Confirmation Rally: Holy Rosary Parish
Last Saturday, April 20th, 2024, over 150 youth gathered at Holy Rosary Parish to participate in the Confirmation Rally. Tying in the meaning of Confirmation with the culture of Holy Rosary Parish, Archbishop Richard Gagnon shared in his talk that in the Italian language, “permesso” means “permission to go.” He went on to share an example of a young man who embodied this: Blessed Carlo Accutis, who lived his life fully for the Lord and passed away when he was around the same age as the candidates at the Rally. “Look at his life and his love for Jesus,” Archbishop Gagnon said, “He received God in Confirmation and Baptism too.”
The youth were also blessed to have a talk led by Jason Cegayle, who does incredible work for Development and Peace – Caritas Canada. He shared with the youth that they have a Creator and are created so uniquely and with a specific purpose, which is to get to heaven!
As the day went on, the youth were led in other talks, reflections, and games. They also enjoyed some food and dancing!
Keep all of these young saints-in-the-making in your prayers as they continue to pursue Jesus and prepare their hearts to receive the Holy Spirit at their Confirmation!