The Office of Synod Implementation exists to assist pastors/administrators, staff and ministry leaders in implementing the 42 Proposals of our Archdiocesan Synod, which you can read in Disciples on the Way: A Post-Synodal Proclamation. These Proposals will help us to become: versed in matters of faith, equipped to share our faith with others, and able to recognize all our efforts as opportunities to glorify the Lord and help to build his Kingdom here on earth. These three goals support the mission each person receives in the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist) and reflect the theme adopted for the Synod, “Established, Anointed, and Sent in Christ.”
We currently have a Synod Cabinet, which represents each of the 8 Commissions and reports to the Archbishop on each one’s progress in implementing the 42 proposals.
Those Cabinet members are: Archbishop Richard Gagnon, Fr. Richard Arsenault, John Acosta, Janelle Lafantaisie, Fr. Peter Nemcek, Fr. Eric Giddins, Judith Vasquez, Fr. Robert Polz, Br. Tom Novak, Veronica Diestro, and Sharon Camier.