
Synod Implementation

The Office of Synod Implementation exists to assist pastors/administrators, staff and ministry leaders in implementing the 42 Proposals of our Archdiocesan Synod, which you can read in Disciples on the Way: A Post-Synodal Proclamation. These Proposals will help us to become: versed in matters of faith, equipped to share our faith with others, and able to recognize all our efforts as opportunities to glorify the Lord and help to build his Kingdom here on earth. These three goals support the mission each person receives in the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist) and reflect the theme adopted for the Synod,Established, Anointed, and Sent in Christ.”

We currently have a Synod Cabinet, which represents each of the 8 Commissions and reports to the Archbishop on each one’s progress in implementing the 42 proposals.

Those Cabinet members are: Archbishop Richard Gagnon, Fr. Richard Arsenault, John Acosta, Janelle Lafantaisie, Fr. Peter Nemcek, Fr. Eric Giddins, Judith Vasquez, Fr. Robert Polz, Br. Tom Novak, Veronica Diestro, and Sharon Camier.

John Acosta

  • Director of Pastoral Services
  • Ph: 204-452-2227

Latest Synod Implementation Updates

Here, you will find the latest Synod Implementation updates from our Archdiocese! Our Synod Implementation Commission meets every couple of months, and we will provide updates from the meeting discussions, which will include the most recent proposals brought forth from the commissions.  

A couple of important disclaimers: 

  • All of the proposals shared are currently being discussed within different councils and committees in the Archdiocese so as to follow the Synodal process.
  • Although each commission is meeting on a regular basis, not all have presented proposals to the Cabinet at this time. As proposals arise, they will be shared here.

Please continue to keep this implementation phase of the Synod and the Cabinet members and their commission members in your prayers! 

42 Synod Proposals

Vocations and Leadership

1. Clergy recognize and assume a vital role in forming and equipping the people they serve. In order to fulfill this responsibility, they will be provided with appropriate ongoing education and formation.

2. We focus on the formation of laity for the life of the church and the world.

3. We affirm, in an appropriate manner, the work and contribution of all the Church’s ministers: ordained, religious, and lay.

4. We form a vocations and discernment committee composed of the baptized to assist in the awareness of our baptismal vocation.

5. We seek to provide reliable options for spiritual direction and to provide training for spiritual directors.

Marriage and Family Life

6. We establish a resource centre for marriage & family life.

7. Our parishes seek to respond in love to the various forms of family life present in our communities.

8. We support the vocation of marriage and the family as a domestic church.


Catechetics and Faith Formation

9. We form a vision and strategy for the education of adults.

10. We propose a variety of approved resources of faith formation for use in families, homes, parishes, and schools.

11. We commit to supporting Catholic schools in formation, resources, and prayer.

12. We support and assist families and laity to live out their faith and communicate it to others, especially their children, and make their homes “domestic churches”.


Social Outreach

13. Parish communities provide opportunities for discernment relating to social issues.

14. We, in our parishes and as a Church, encourage and promote human dignity for all, including taking a public stance.

15. We raise awareness of our responsibility to assist and advocate for the most vulnerable in our society.

16. We, as individuals and as a Church, promote and act on our duty to be good stewards of God’s creation.


Church Governance

17. Archdiocesan norms for Parish Pastoral Councils should be updated.

18. The role of Deanery Pastoral Councils should be clarified.

19. Archdiocesan Pastoral Services should be reviewed.

20. The Archdiocese should consider the viability of parish communities.

21. The Archdiocese should continue to explore and develop avenues of pastoral cooperation with the Archdiocese of St. Boniface.

22. The Archdiocese should examine options for centralizing pastoral service.

23. We develop a synodal approach to governance and pastoral ministry at and between all levels of the Archdiocesan church.

Indigenous People

24. We nurture a right and respectful relationship between indigenous and non-indigenous people.

25. The cultural values of indigenous people be respected and welcomes and, through a process of inculturation, indigenous language, symbols and ritual be integrated into the proclamation of the Gospel and Church practice.

26. We create an office of leadership for indigenous pastoral ministry.

New Evangelization and Missionary Outreach

27. We continue to develop fully welcoming parish communities.

28. We become a Church in continuous formation.

29. We seek to provide opportunities to listen to and understand the life stories of the people of the Archdiocese.

30. We seek to be fully a Church that goes forth in mercy.

31. We undertake appropriate initiatives intended for all people in parishes, deaneries, and other levels of the church, to proclaim the gospel message and invite all to follow Jesus as his disciples.


Sacramental Preparation, Prayer and Devotional Life

32. We prepare and publish updated guidelines for the preparation and celebration of the Sacraments.

33. We study the impact and benefits of restoring the Sacrament of Confirmation to its original place and understanding within the whole process of Christian Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, First Eucharist).

34. We support the position that preparation for the Sacraments of Confirmation, First Eucharist, and First Reconciliation should take place within the context of parish community life.

35. We encourage all the baptized to acquire a familiarity with Sacred Scripture.

36. We prepare and publish an Archdiocesan Instruction (or Directory) to inform, guide, and encourage prayer and devotional life.

37. We encourage and facilitate opportunities for various retreats, spiritual conferences, and places of prayer.


Youth and Young Adults

38. We formulate a developmental formation program for young people.

39. Our parishes develop opportunities for youth and young adults to engage in the service of others.

40. We provide opportunities for youth involvement and leadership in the life of the Church.

41. We provide on-going formation for adults (clergy and laity) to equip them for engagement with youth and young adults.

42. We create a practical means of outreach to young people beyond our parishes.

Universal Synod 2021-2024

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