Truth and Reconciliation

Office of Dialogue and Reconciliation

The Office of Dialogue and Reconciliation seeks to help create better relations between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous people through various kinds of dialogue workshops.  The workshops may be parish-based (such as the Listening to Indigenous Voices program).  Or they may be inter-parish, like the dialogue series that has been running for many years between St Ignatius and St. Kateri parishes. If your parish or group would be interested in participating in movement of reconciliation through a workshop or in another way, contact Brother Thomas Novak, OMI.

Brother Thomas Novak, OMI

  • Office of Dialogue and Reconciliation
  • Ph: 204-287-8583

Deacon Conrad Plante

  • Westman First Nations Ministry
  • Ph: 204-724-0870

Indigenous Reconciliation Fund

The Archdiocese of Winnipeg and its Diocesan Indigenous Discernment Committee are now accepting applications for funding projects or programs addressing Indigenous healing and reconciliation initiatives.

Indigenous Reconciliation Fund Coordinator

  • Ph: 204-452-2227 Ext. 277

Accessing the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund

All grants are to be made in support of local projects and initiatives of: 

  • Healing and reconciliation for communities and families. 
  • Culture and language revitalization. 
  • Education and community building. 
  • Dialogues involving Indigenous elders, spiritual leaders and youth with focus on Indigenous spirituality and culture. 
  • The archdiocese may seek support from or provide support to other dioceses and/or regions for projects that have an impact beyond their diocese/region or are in excess of the committee’s budget. 

General consideration and process are as follows: 

  • Sourcing grants is the responsibility of the Discernment Committee and board. 
  • All grants are to be made with Indigenous consultation based upon an assessment of the project’s merit and local value. 
  • All recipients must be registered charities or non-profits. 
  • Programs, Projects and collaborations will be guided by integrity and align with miyo pimatisiwin and Catholic Social Teachings. 
  • Grants will be made for up to 5 years. 
  • A maximum of $250,000 per year will be granted over 5 years. 
  • Preference will be given to initiatives that support legacy projects. 
  • While the Granting Committee of the Discernment Circle guides the application process, approved grants will be made by the national “Indigenous Reconciliation Fund” directly to the recipient. 

Funding periods: 

Applicants are welcome to apply in any of the following funding periods: 

Nov 1 to Dec. 30, 2024  Open for funding applications 
Jan. 1 to March 31, 2025  Open for funding applications 
April 1 to June 30, 2025  Open for funding applications 
July 1 to Oct. 2025  Open for funding applications


Downloadable PDF Form

Submit to the Indigenous Diocesan Discernment Committee, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Winnipeg, 1495 Pembina Hwy, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2C6.  Completed applications can also be emailed to IRF Coordinator). Subject: IRF Application.

Indigenous Reconciliation Fund

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The traditional meeting place of the Anishinaabe and Métis people finds a home in the official Archdiocese of Winnipeg coat of arms.

The Y-shape in our Archdiocesan Coat of Arms alludes to the Forks where the Red and Assiniboine rivers converge at Winnipeg to form a single stream. This was the traditional meeting place of Indigenous Peoples in Manitoba.

We acknowledge that the Archdiocese of Winnipeg resides as the lands of Treaty 1 territory and the homeland of the Métis Nation. We worship and operate on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe. In the spirit of truth, reconciliation, and collaboration, we honour our relationship with Indigenous Peoples and respect the contributions of history, culture, and language of Canada’s original peoples.