Catechetics & Faith Development

Catechetics & Faith Development

The Office of Catechetics and Faith Development of the Archdiocese of Winnipeg assists the Archbishop in his primary responsibility of the teaching of the Catholic Faith (ref. GDC 265), to develop all dimensions of faith: knowing, celebrating, living and praying, leading to community life and mission.

Our Objectives:

  • To support the vision of the Archdiocese of Winnipeg for catechesis.
  • To promote strong, effective catechetical ministry throughout the Archdiocese for all ages.
  • To facilitate faith formation for those involved in catechesis.
  • To foster adult catechesis in all parishes.
  • To offer spiritual retreats to those in catechetical ministry.
  • To organize and coordinate workshops and sessions related to catechetics.
  • To assist parishes and families in the spiritual development of children and youth.
  • To offer assistance to those preparing children for sacraments.
  • To provide information, resources, and counsel on catechesis.

Judith Vasquez

  • Director of Catechetics
  • Ph: 204-452-2227 Ext. 243

Marycia Kruk

  • Associate Director of Catechetics
  • Ph: 204-452-2227 Ext. 276

2025 Confirmation Rallies Information

Information for Parents/Guardians and Candidates

  1. Please ask your child’s catechist which Confirmation Rally your child’s class will attend. 
  2. Please register your child for the free Confirmation Rally by Friday, January 17, 2025, by going to 
  3. Please send your child with a reuseable water bottle. A free pizza lunch will be provided. If your child has a food allergy or dietary restriction, please provide them with a lunch and snacks to bring to the rally. 
  4. Day of the Confirmation Rally: Please bring your child to the Confirmation Rally at 9:30 a.m. and pick them up at 3:00 p.m. There will be a sign-in sheet and Mass will begin at 10:00 a.m. 
  5. For further information, please see the letter for parents and guardians. 

Information for Catechists & Coordinators

  1. Please choose which Confirmation Rally date your parish/school will be attending and then let candidates and their parents/guardians know so they can select the correct date when filling out the registration and consent form. 
  2. Please provide the registration link to parents/guardians to fill out and remind them of the Friday, January 17, 2025 deadline. 
  3. Please let your candidates know to bring their reusable bottled water. 
  4. The Ministries of Catechetics and Youth and Young Adults of the Archdiocese of Winnipeg seek the help and assistance of the Catechists/Faith Formation Coordinators to provide a sacred and safe environment for the candidates. Please use the same form as the candidates to register as a volunteer. 
  5. Day of the Rally: Your presence is crucial at the Confirmation Rally, and we’ve provided details of roles and responsibilities that we may require help with below. 
    1. Upon arrival, the catechist/coordinator will receive the Parish Candidates’ Name Tags and a list of those registered from the parish. 
    2. We hope you will join our welcoming team in greeting and welcoming your candidates and distributing their name tags. 
    3. We will need your assistance as your parish’s candidates are dropped off and picked up by their parent or guardian. 
    4. Depending on the number of volunteers we have, we may also ask you to facilitate the small group discussion. 
    5. We hope you can attend the Volunteer Recollection and Orientation. 

Information for Volunteers

  1. We invite youth and young adults in the parish and religious communities who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation to serve as volunteers for this gathering. 
  2. We are also asking catechists and coordinators to serve as volunteers. 
  3. Volunteers can register by using the same form as the Candidates and listing their role as Volunteers: 
  4. Please attend the Volunteer Recollection and Orientation on Thursday, January 16th, at 6 p.m. at the Catholic Centre Boardroom. 
  5. On the day of the Confirmation Rally, please arrive at 9 a.m. A pizza lunch will be provided for volunteers as well.

Thank you for the gift of your time. We believe every youth and young adult deserves the opportunity to become saints. 

Programs and Resources for Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation

Click on the + located to the right of the subheadings below to find listed the titles of recommended programs, resources, and links to information on these and other helpful materials.

For clarification and/or further assistance, you may contact the Director of Catechetics or the Associate Director of Catechetics. Their contact information is given under their picture above.


Resources for Special Needs


The Rite of Election and the Rite of Acceptance are key moments in the process of Christian Initiation.

The Rite of Election is the celebration in which the local bishop calls the catechumens to baptism at the upcoming Easter Vigil. These women and men, who have been preparing for initiation and those who have been working with them for months and years, believe that God has chosen them to become one of us, the baptized. In the Rite of Election, their godparents, sponsors, catechists, pastors and friends will testify before the bishop that God has chosen these people. They will offer the evidence of their lives among us, hearing and following God’s word, praying with God’s people and participating in the work and the communal life of God’s church. After listening to this testimony, the bishop will declare they are elected for baptism, chosen to be God’s own in Christ Jesus – not because they earned It, but because God wants it.

Since the bishop is the head of the local church, it is his responsibility to oversee the initiation of new members. Ideally, it would be the bishop who would initiate the catechumens through the Celebration of baptism, confirmation and eucharist. However, since it would be impossible for the bishop to be in every parish to celebrate the Easter Vigil, in the Rite of the Election the bishop, on behalf of the whole church, chooses those to be baptized and mandates the local pastors to initiate the catechumens of their parish.

The Rite of Acceptance recognizes those individuals (candidates) who have been baptized in other Christian churches and now wish to be accepted as members of our Catholic Faith. In the Rite of Acceptance, the bishop listens to the testimony of those responsible for the formation of these Individuals declaring their readiness to be one with us in Our Catholic Faith. He accepts these Christian bothers and sisters for the sacraments of confirmation and eucharist, thereby entering into full communion with our Catholic Community.

Written by Fr. Darrin J.G. Gurr, the Chair of the Liturgical Commission for the Archdiocese and Pastor of St. Gianna Beretta Molla Church.

How Does a Person Become a Catholic?

What is the first step?

Anyone who is thinking about becoming a Catholic Christian or who would like more information can contact the nearest Catholic parish. Inquire about the process of Christian Initiation for Adults.

What is RCIA?

The Rite of Christian Initiation is designed for Adults who, after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the living God and enter the way of faith and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts. By God’s help they will be strengthened spiritually during their preparation and at the proper time will receive the sacraments fruitfully.

This Rite includes not simply the celebration of the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and eucharist, but also all the rites belonging to the catechumenate.


What is the catechumenate?

The catechumenate is the period of time after the Rite of Acceptance where the one inquiring about the way of Catholic faith, is welcomed into the community to further growth in discipleship with Jesus.

This process goes back to the early Church where those desiring to be baptized, were immersed in the Christian community. Here they learned to share all things in common. They grew in faith as they heard the stories of Jesus and saw how each Christian’s story was modelled on the life of Jesus. (cf. ACTS of the Apostles 2: 42- 47)

“The initiation of catechumens is a gradual process that takes place within the community of the faithful.” (INTRODUCTION #4)

How long is the process?

This depends on the individual. There is no calendar time to determine the readiness of each person.