Ecumenical Worship Service 2024

This past Sunday, faithful Manitobans from various Christian denominations gathered at the Lutheran Church of the Cross. While everyone came from different religious backgrounds and walks of life, that evening, they were gathered all together for the same purpose: to pray for Christian unity. This year’s theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is You shall love the Lord your God… and your neighbour as yourself” (Luke 10:27). During the service, Deacon Michelle Collins expanded on this and encouraged the congregation to “Love God, love your neighbour, and be the one in the story who shows mercy.”

The choir led the congregation in both French and English hymns.

Photo of the congregation gathered to pray for Christian unity.

Fr. Robert Polz saying a few words of introduction. 

Church leaders and representatives drink from a “calabash”

In Burkina Faso, a calabash is used to share water with guests

Archbishop Gagnon drinks from the calabash

The congregation sings a hymn together

Archbishop Gagnon leads the congregation in prayer

All the church leaders and representatives present

Church leaders, representatives, and choir members