Called by Name Sunday 2025

By Fr. Peter Nemcek, Director of Vocations for the Archdiocese of Winnipeg

What is Called By Name Sunday?

I write to inform you about our first unified project: Called By Name Sunday. This is the second item on our three-step Vocations plan for 2024/2025.  After consulting with our Apostolic Administrator, Most Rev. Richard Gagnon, Called By Name Sunday will take place in the Archdiocese of Winnipeg on Sunday, February 2, 2025 – the Solemnity of the Presentation of the Lord.  It also happens to be the World Day for Consecrated Life.

This project has historically produced dramatic results.  For example, the Diocese of Austin, Texas reported a 300 percent increase in the number of interested discerners and tripled its number of seminarians after instituting Called By Name.

What Does It Look Like?

Called by Name Sunday is a diocesan-wide campaign to identify faithful young Catholic men who may be called to the priesthood and religious life. Archbishop Gagnon is asking all parishes to participate over the two weekends. Parishioners are asked to submit the names of young men in high school or older who show love and devotion to the Church and might find they have a calling to the priesthood or religious life. They do this by submitting the names using pew cards or doing so online.

From there, the Vocation Office will offer support to these young people as they discern their vocations. For example, they will be invited to the St. Andrew Dinner, retreats, discernment groups, seminary trips, and more!

What’s the Campaign Timeline?

Parishes have received the necessary resources needed for a successful Called By Name Sunday weekend. On the weekend of January 26th, you can expect to hear announcements made by your parish priest and would see a letter from Archbishop Gagnon about this initiative.

The weekend of February 2nd will be our inaugural Called By Name Sunday. You’ll see Called by Name cards in pews, might hear a homily about your priest’s vocation story, and be asked to submit the name of a young man who might be called to the Priesthood!