Computer, Email and Internet Usage Policy

The Archdiocese of Winnipeg computer system is a key component of the organizations ability to function in its day-to-day requirements and thus cannot afford to be compromised subjecting the organization to potential systems downtime. As well, as a good corporate citizen, and in adherence to the law, we need to project integrity and practice it.

Please read over the following requirements. Your signature below states that you have read over these requirements and will adhere to them.

Respect for Privacy
I will respect others’ right to privacy. I will only access, look in or use information from other individuals, organizations, or companies on computer or through telecommunications if I have the permission of the individual, organization, or company who owns the information.

Respect for Property
I will respect others’ property. I will only make changes to, or delete computer programs, files, or information that belongs to others if I have been given permission to do so by the person, organization, or company who owns the program, file, or information.

Respect for Ownership
I will respect others’ rights to ownership and to receive monetary compensation for their work. While using the Archdiocese computers or the Archdiocese network, I will only use such software, files or information for which I have or the Archdiocese has a valid license or for which I have been given permission to use. I will only make copies of computer files and information that I own or have written. I will only sell computer programs that I have written or have been authorized to sell by the author. I will pay the developer or publisher for any shareware programs I decide to use.

Respect for Others and the Law
I will only use or access church computers, software, and related technologies for appropriate and legal purposes. At no time will I undertake activities that are harmful (physically, financially, or otherwise) to others or others’ property, nor will I utilize church equipment to access or transmit, either internally or externally, any materials that might be seen to be pornographic, demeaning, or hateful to any individual or group.

I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the Code for the Responsible Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). I agree to abide by these policies and ensure that persons working under my supervision abide by these policies. I understand that if I violate such rules, I may face legal or disciplinary action according to applicable law or departmental policy.

I hereby agree to indemnify and Hold the Archbishop of Winnipeg and its officers, trustees, employees and agents harmless for any loss, damage, expense or liability resulting from any claim, action or demand arising out of, or related to, the user’s use of the Archdiocese of Winnipeg-owned computer resources and the network, including reasonable attorney frees. Such claims shall include, without limitation, those based on trademark or service mark infringement, trade name infringement, copyright infringement, unfair competition, defamation, unlawful discrimination or harassment and invasion of privacy.

Computer Email and Internet Usage Policy – Printable Version