Misericordia Terrace

Living in a senior living community extends beyond addressing physical needs. Emotional and social well-being are equally vital. Seniors thrive in communities where they forge friendships and share interests, countering the prevalent feelings of isolation and loneliness. Group exercises, arts sessions, spiritual gatherings and music events foster interaction and mental stimulation, bolstering emotional health. Misericordia Terrace is a new apartment building with 97 one- and two-bedroom apartments. Every apartment has its own washer and dryer, fridge/freezer, microwave, and blinds included. Approachable staff ensure residents feel comfortable discussing their feelings, fostering a supportive environment.

Leases are on a month-to-month basis, with rates starting at $2385. Rates include lunch and dinner, which are served daily in the dining room, most utilities, and weekly housekeeping. A key feature of our residence is the sense of community—we encourage our residents to engage in social and recreational activities. Make a new friend, be part of something new.

Located on the edge of the Wolseley area, this residence is perfect for being central to your family members. The area is renowned for its closeness to walking paths, green spaces, pharmacies, churches, libraries, shops, and more.

Call Sarah or Cliff at 204-788-8020 or visit misericordiaterrace.ca for more information!