Blue Christmas Mass at St. Theresa’s

Location: St. Theresa's Parish(View Map)
Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

For everyone that is grieving the loss of a loved one…

The music during the season of Christmas is upbeat, and the joyful spirit lingers in the Church and the hearts of believers; all the while, your heart is aching as you continue to mourn someone who is no longer with you. For mourners, Christmas can be one of the loneliest times of your life. If this resonates with you, St. Theresa’s invites you to accept their special invitation to their Blue Christmas Mass on Thursday, January 4 2024, at 7 pm. Consider bringing a photo of your deceased loved one to place in front of the altar during Mass. The Mass intention will be for their souls and those who mourn their loss. Feel free to invite someone who has been a good support to you or someone who you know is grieving.