Confirmation Rally: St. Dominic’s Parish, Neepawa
Young Catholics preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation joined their peers on Saturday, April 13th, in Neepawa, at St. Dominic’s parish for the annual Confirmation Rally. The theme was “On Fire”. “Fire is powerful. It spreads and lives. Fire is a living thing,” said Archbishop Richard Gagnon during his talk. He explained that just as at the Easter Vigil, where a fire is lit and then spreads throughout the whole Church, so too will a spiritual fire be given to the Candidates at Confirmation. “Why do we get Confirmed?” The answer, he says, is that, “we are called to be another Christ in the World!”
The rallies for Confirmation candidates throughout the Archdiocese are sponsored by the Diocesan Office of Catechesis and Faith Development and the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry and young adult volunteers from the Archdiocese of Winnipeg.
“If we don’t know why we are here, then we won’t know our direction,” shared Veronica Diestro, the director of the Office of Youth and Young Adults Ministry at the Archdiocese of Winnipeg. She explained that our purpose is to be what God has called us to be, as we are made in the likeness of God. The things of this world can blind us from our true purpose, but through prayer, service, love, sharing, and trust, we can live out our purpose in everyday life.
Along with the speakers, the rally featured live music, a group chant and dance, and writing letters God about the candidates’ expectations for after Confirmation.
Another two rallies planned and sponsored by the Archdiocese of Winnipeg will be held on Saturday, April 20th, at Holy Rosary Church, and Saturday, May 11th, at St. Paul High School.
-Marycia Kruk