4th World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

The 4th World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly will take place on July 28th, 2024.


Pope Francis’ theme this year is “Do not cast me off in my old age” (Psalm 71:9). The Catholic faithful are invited to reflect on the loneliness of the elderly, encouraging us to “take a new path” and to spend time with them, “acknowledging their unique role in the family, in society, and in the Church…”


To read Pope Francis’ message, click here.


The CCCB has also prepared a toolkit of resources: an official logo, a catechesis on old age, recent texts from the Magisterium, the official prayer for the World Day, and pastoral suggestions. To view the toolkit, click here. To view it on Google Drive, click here.


On Thursday July 18, 2024, the Holy See published a Decree granting a Plenary Indulgence for those who take part in the celebration of the Day or who visit the elderly alone.
Decree in English
Decree in French